This article would help you learn more about PTC sites as there are some hard facts about this money making system. There are some tips to earn more with PTC (paid to click) sites and I hope that it helps you earn more online.
Few facts
* There are some sites that pay at the start and then will disappear just when clickers start to invest money by becoming premium members.
* Making money with PTC is NOT a get-rich scheme. You can earn form $0.0001 to $.02 cent per clicked or viewed site, so it may take weeks or months to earn few dollars from one site.
* The estimate of your earning is shown counting your referral stats, while it is
not sure that you would be able to get 10 or more active members. So the estimate is not the real picture of what you are going to earn from the site. Calculate yourself!
* Relying on your own clicks will only earn you $0.10 cents daily in most sites which translates to only $3.00 monthly granting you clicked 10 ads daily at $0.01 each. 98% of the proven legitimate sites today only pay out when you reach $10.00. It will take you three to four months to reach the amount.
* Joining as many sites will waste your time and effort. It’s not worth it. If some of those sites are scam it would discourage you. So be wise to sign up for few legitimate sites and try to cash out the earnings.
Tips to make money with PTC programs:
- You can only open or view one ad at a time for every site to get the credits. After clicking all the ads for the day always check your stats or account to see your earnings. You should always get the credits right after.
- Open three to five windows at a time and log on to different sites at once. While you wait for an ad to finish at one site you can open ads at the other sites. This way you can log on to 5 sites and click the ads within 30 minutes.
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