The ptc investor is a blog from 'investress Gem' who is a a full-time freelance web developer. Blogging is one of the things that she does part time.
She says:
'I blog because I like to meet people online. At the same time blogging gives me money - at some point blogging earnings earned me income when I am not assigned to any freelance jobs.
I am writing from Baguio - the coolest city in the Philippines where it is known for its luscious strawberries, tall pine trees and flower festivals.'
The blog is about ptc sites and she has written many useful posts. Side bar of the blog shows the graph about latest payments received from paid to click sites. There are some posts about PTC basics which are very informative for newbies:
* Pay-to-Click Programs: What are These?
* How Do PTC and Autosurf Sites Make Money
* Importance of Time in Online Investments
* Avoid the Email Phishing Trap
* Minimize the Risk of Getting Scammed by PTCs
* Investing in Pay-to-Click Referrals
* Why Do You Have to Sign Up Under Someone's PTC Referral Link?
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