When you start signing up for free programs to make money, you would realize that mostly these PTC, PTR, survey or likewise programs require more members and the members which come through your link are called 'referrals'. It is very clear that more referrals you make, you can make more money. You need referrals for your earning programs as these kind of programs need more members.
You can talk about the programs you are participating to your friends, so they can join with your referral link. There are many other ways to get referrals, which I am going to discuss in this post. I hope that these tips to get referrals would work for you.
You can get your referral link from the site itself. Just copy that link and keep a record of all sites you join, so it is easy for you to get more referrals from your link.
I would like to talk about an article from "eHow" which describes tips to get referrals for IFW (Incentive freebie websites). As these tips can equally be used to get referral for any PTC or PTR sites, I am quoting those tips with some editing:
* 'One of the best ways to get referrals for these websites is to visit a freebie trading forum. On these forums, you can meet other people who are looking to get their IFWs done as well. These forums are usually split into three main categories: referrals for cash, referral for referral, and referral for other. Referrals for cash means that you actually pay someone to be a referral on your IFW(Incentive freebie sites). You give them your referral link, they sign up and complete an offer, and you receive the credit. The benefits to doing this are that you can be sure that the person will complete the IFW and go "green" (i.e. complete the requirements and be a referral for you).
Referral for referral means that you become a referral on someone else's site in exchange for them becoming a referral on your site. This is the fastest way to get your IFW sites done, in my opinion. Referral for other sections on trading forums are devoted to people who can't sign up for someone else's site, and who have no money to pay people to sign up as one of their referrals. So sometimes people will offer a service. For example, they may offer to make you a banner for your website, or offer you a DVD they have, in exchange for you being a refferal for them.'
* 'Create a blog. Blogs can be an effective way to get referrals. Show some proof that the method works. Post often with new content for your readers to enjoy.'
* 'Post your referral link everywhere you can. The more exposure to your referral link, the more referrals you will get! Here are some suggestions on places to post your referral link: your IM profiles (AIM, Yahoo, MSN Messenger, etc.), your website if you have one, in your signature on any forums you visit (if the forum allows it), on your social networking profiles (Myspace, Facebook, etc.), see if your friends will let you post your link on their websites, and in your e-mail signature.'
* 'Make some flyers in Microsoft Word. Include your referral link (preferably on tabs that the person can rip off) and a little bit of information about the website. Post the flyers on public bulletin boards at your school, the grocery store, the library, etc.'
* 'Recruit your family and friends. The best place to begin when you're looking for referrals is to talk to people you already know, your family and friends! Take some time and show them the website and some proof that it works.'
* 'Utilize word of mouth. Word of mouth is still the best way to get a message across. Whenever you encounter someone, make sure to mention about it and encourage them to take a look. The more people who hear about it, the more referrals you will have!'
Link to the article: How to Get Referrals for Incentive Freebie Websites
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