Teachers, students, scholars or parents who browse the net for information need to check online encyclopedia but the easiest way of searching is to write the term or word at search engine box. May be at first page you can find a link to the meaning or link to that word or phrase but you won't find specific information yet. So the best way is to keep a record of links to the sites which help you search through famous encyclopedias. This article would help you find useful links regarding your search for encyclopedia.
Do you know what is meant by ‘Encyclopedia’ and what we can get from it?
Well, first learn about the definition of the term:
According to the definition by “Wikipedia”:
“An encyclopedia is a comprehensive written compendium that contains information on either all branches of knowledge or a particular branch of knowledge. Encyclopedias are divided into articles with one article on each subject covered. The articles on subjects in an encyclopedia are usually accessed alphabetically by article name and can be contained in one volume or many volumes, depending on the amount of material included.
“ Indeed, the purpose of an encyclopedia is to collect knowledge disseminated around the globe; to set forth its general system to the men with whom we live, and transmit it to those who will come after us, so that the work of preceding centuries will not become useless to the centuries to come; and so that our offspring, becoming better instructed, will at the same time become more virtuous and happy, and that we should not die without having rendered a service to the human race.”
But is there any difference between a dictionary and encyclopedia?
Yes! ‘A dictionary primarily focuses on words and their definitions, and typically provides limited information, analysis, or background for the word defined.’
and ‘ an encyclopedia treats each subject in more depth and conveys the most relevant accumulated knowledge on that subject or discipline, given the overall length of the particular work. An encyclopedia also often includes many maps and illustrations, as well as bibliography and statistics.’
Free encyclopediaThe concept of a new free encyclopedia began with the Interpedia proposal on Usenet in 1993, which outlined an Internet-based online encyclopedia to which anyone could submit content and that would be freely accessible.
The English Wikipedia became the world’s largest encyclopedia in 2004 at the 300,000 article stage. As of July 2007, Wikipedia has over 2.0 million articles in English and well over 8 million combined in over 250 languages.Wikipedia is one of the first “user generated content” encyclopedias.
Here is a list of encyclopedias where you can further search for a specific type of information.
- List of online encyclopedias from ‘University of Wisconsin-Stout
- List of Encyclopedia from ‘Wikipedia
- List from ‘Librarians Internet Index
- List of online encyclopedia’s from Wikipedia
Famous Encyclopedias:
Upto now Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., is a leading provider of learning and knowledge products. It is one of the world’s most trusted sources of information on every topic imaginable - from the origins of the universe to current events and everything in between.
* Encarta from msn,- Encarta encyclopedia article centerProvides more than 42,000 articles on the world of knowledge–from aardvark to zither.
* HighBeam Encyclopedia provides you reference entries from credible, published sources like Britannica, Oxford University Press, and Columbia Encyclopedia.
At HighBeam Encyclopedia, you get free access to nearly 200,000 reference entries from sources you can cite. Plus, more than 50,000 topic summaries feature related pictures, videos, topic summaries, and newspaper and magazine articles from around the world. HighBeam Encyclopedia also provides innovative tools that allow you to rate and sort the reference content you find to be the most useful.
* AskTheBrain.com is the world’s first computer generated encyclopedia. All vital stats information has been inferred based upon text on the subject.It is an automated encyclopedia that brings together the best information from around the web on over 200,000 topics. Try searching for anything at all in the search box provided. The entire database is made available free of charge from the website.
Kids Encyclopedias:
* From Yahoo
* Kids.net.au kids safe portal for children, parents, schools and teachers.* Britanica for young children
* List of encyclopedias for kids from ‘dmoz’
Search This Blog
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Learn about computers at 'Dux Computer Digest'
I hope that my reviews about useful online recources would help you get free information which is not easily available and in many cases you have to search for hours to get reliable information at the net.
Dux Computer Digest is another free online resource for computer users.
The sections of the site are:
Guides: These guides are about Hard Disk Drives, Motherboards and Chipsets, Networking and Internet Sharing and Processors (CPUs). There is a step by step guide for each topic. This tutorial based guides provide all basic to intermediate level information.
How to: There are many articles covering the topics like 'netwrok, internet sharing, building the computer, printers, softwares and every topics answers many how to questions.
Reviews: These are reviews about computer hardware and softwares.
Forums: Their forum has 20089 members with 106820 posts. This is the place to discuss technical issues, and learn from other member's tips.
Link to register free for the forum.
You cannot subscribe to the newsletter but you can access the back issues 'here'
Dux Computer Digest is another free online resource for computer users.
The sections of the site are:
Guides: These guides are about Hard Disk Drives, Motherboards and Chipsets, Networking and Internet Sharing and Processors (CPUs). There is a step by step guide for each topic. This tutorial based guides provide all basic to intermediate level information.
How to: There are many articles covering the topics like 'netwrok, internet sharing, building the computer, printers, softwares and every topics answers many how to questions.
Reviews: These are reviews about computer hardware and softwares.
Forums: Their forum has 20089 members with 106820 posts. This is the place to discuss technical issues, and learn from other member's tips.
Link to register free for the forum.
You cannot subscribe to the newsletter but you can access the back issues 'here'
Sunday, December 28, 2008
'Computer Hope' - Offering free computer help

Internet has become a rich source of information for computer and internet users. There are many useful links and free resources where you can get help. Computer education has become a favourite subject for students because new generation is fond of computers and internet. I would be reviewing as many useful but free resources for net users as I find them during my online search.
Computer Hope is a free computer related information resource. You get computer support facilities for answering computer related questions at the site. And as far as I have searched for computer related useful links, I could not find better free online resource than it. It is the largest free support center on-line, that most sites cannot offer to everyone.
Some of the services that Computer Hope is able to offer include free technical support, computer product information, free online forum, computer product buying tips, third-party computer company information, computer dictionary, weekly computer newsletter, daily computer news, and much more. Each of these services help make Computer Hope the number one free computer services on the Internet.
Free services from Computer Hope
Technical Support: They provide support in these fields:
- Hardware
- Software
- Computer operating systems
- HTML / web design information and help
- Virus information and listing
- Question and Answer listing
- Free e-mail technical support

Dictionary - This page lists thousands of computer related terms that link to related terms and categories, making it one of the best locations to locate a definition or meaning to a computer related term.
History - A great section for individuals interested in history as well as students looking for the history information on computers. Our history section lists computer related history from the 1500's to today and is an excellent reference point for learning more about computer history.
Company Information -This page is a wealth of company contact information such as phone numbers, e-mail addresses, business addresses, web addresses, and much more. If you are looking for information about a computer company or how to contact them, this is the place to start.
News - Computer Hope has a great new section that is updated at least daily with the latest computer news, and contains an archive of all the old computer news
Newsletter - The Computer Hope Newsletter, issued once every two weeks, includes the following: a new computer term; computer-related news items; virus alerts; "What's New at Computer Hope;" "hot" computer issues, and an All Talk section. We hope you will find the Newsletter informative, useful, and perhaps even, at times, entertaining. You can read the old newsletters at the sign up page given below:
- Link to get their newsletter
Forums - Online forums that enable Computer Hope users to communicate with each other and talk about computers and help each other with their computer related questions.
Chat - Online / IRC chat service that enables users to connect to an IRC chat room, either through the web or their favorite IRC client and talk with Computer Hope and other Computer Hope users live.
Source link: services
Friday, December 26, 2008
Read technology news and reviews at -'Tech Radar'
Tech Radar is a UK based site offering news and reviews related to technology. It is one of the largest tech sites of UK. It provides news about new stuff. There are 11270 products at the site with reviews with 4496 members in their community.
- You can read the review about computing, electronics, gaming, cameras, camcorders, phones and audio products.
- Discuss the tech topics at their forums.
These are latest news headlines which can help you learn what kind of useful information you can expect from the site:
10 embarrassing moments in tech
Your first day with a new Mac: the get-started guide for Windows users
42 essential tips for your new games console
10 Xbox 360 tricks Microsoft won't tell you
Should you upgrade your Mac or buy a new one?
Seven more Xbox 360 secrets Microsoft doesn't tell you
World of Warcraft army tops 11.5 million
'Sign up' to get FREE TechRadar membership and you’ll enjoy complete and unrestricted access to all our great content and features for technology enthusiasts.
Check out what your free TechRadar membership enables you to do;
Ask an owner: which enables you to talk to other registered users about specific products you might want to buy
Price alert: which alerts you when the price of a product has fallen to a level that interests you
Tech news: stay in touch with the latest news and opinion from the worlds of computing, audio and visual, gadgets and more
Community: talk with thousands of like-minded enthusiasts via our commeting and forum features
Reviews: access the UK’s largest database of expert gear reviews, and add your own
Product information: research the right product for you with our product and price comparisons, and email alerts
Newsletters: receive the latest tech opinion and information direct to your inbox
- You can read the review about computing, electronics, gaming, cameras, camcorders, phones and audio products.
- Discuss the tech topics at their forums.
These are latest news headlines which can help you learn what kind of useful information you can expect from the site:
10 embarrassing moments in tech
Your first day with a new Mac: the get-started guide for Windows users
42 essential tips for your new games console
10 Xbox 360 tricks Microsoft won't tell you
Should you upgrade your Mac or buy a new one?
Seven more Xbox 360 secrets Microsoft doesn't tell you
World of Warcraft army tops 11.5 million
'Sign up' to get FREE TechRadar membership and you’ll enjoy complete and unrestricted access to all our great content and features for technology enthusiasts.
Check out what your free TechRadar membership enables you to do;
Ask an owner: which enables you to talk to other registered users about specific products you might want to buy
Price alert: which alerts you when the price of a product has fallen to a level that interests you
Tech news: stay in touch with the latest news and opinion from the worlds of computing, audio and visual, gadgets and more
Community: talk with thousands of like-minded enthusiasts via our commeting and forum features
Reviews: access the UK’s largest database of expert gear reviews, and add your own
Product information: research the right product for you with our product and price comparisons, and email alerts
Newsletters: receive the latest tech opinion and information direct to your inbox
Cook Book of Tech Tutorials - 'Rech Recipes'

According to Alexa it is one of the tops 15,000 sites on the internet. Tech Recipe gets 1.5 million unique visitors and almost two million pageviews per month. There are more than two thousand step by step tutorials on the site. The main catagories you can get information from the site are: Apple Mac, Computer Programming, Database, Entertainment, Internet, Network, Reviews, Unix and Windows.
Top ten and popular tutorials include:
Hacks to Beat Rapidshare Download Limits and Waiting Time
Make XP look like Windows Vista / Longhorn for free!
XP: Small, Free Way to Use and Mount Images (ISO files) Without Burning Them
How Do I Use or Open Bin, Cue, or ISO Files?
MySpace Hack: View Pictures and Comments on a Private Profile
MySpace: Hack to Dowload Any Song on Myspace
Google: Find Free MP3s, WMAs, OGGs, and Other Music Files
SMS through E-Mail: Cingular, Nextel, Sprint, T-Mobile, Verizon, Virgin Mobile
Vista: Should I Install 64-bit or 32-bit Version? (x64 vs x86)
Google: Search Rapidshare For Free Videos, Music, Archives, and Other Files
These top posts are sample of what you can find at the site, and you are also welcom to post your tips or tutorials.
Site link: Tech Recipe
Best way to keep informed to their latest posts is to subscribe to them.
- The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines 'Technology': "the practical application of knowledge especially in a particular area" and "a capability given by the practical application of knowledge"
More useful links:
* Yahoo.Tech provides friendly advice that makes it easy to find, research, compare, buy , and use laptops, digital cameras, cell phones, MP3 players, TVs etc.
* Technology News - The New York Times
* Tech News from CNN.com
* MSN Tech & Gadgets
* The Tech - Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge ( Oldest and Largest Newspaper)
* Definiton of technology at Wikipedia.
Tsunami 2004 videos to download

I love to travel because nature always fascinates me. But at the same time disasters like earthquake, storms, cyclones show the power of mother nature. During searching for '2004 tsunami disaster' pictures, I found the link to a site from where you can download those memorable moments which shows the wildness of mother nature. You can search at 'YouTube' for many videos and read at different places about that disaster, but the site I am talking about offers many videos which you can download from the site. First let us know about that incident.
Wikipedia says: 'The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake was an undersea earthquake that occurred at 00:58:53 UTC on December 26, 2004, with an epicentre off the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia. It is known by the scientific community as the Great Sumatra-Andaman earthquake.'
According to 'National Geographic' news: The Deadliest Tsunami in History?, it says:

'The earthquake that generated the great Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004 is estimated to have released the energy of 23,000 Hiroshima-type atomic bombs, according to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).
Giant forces that had been building up deep in the Earth for hundreds of years were released suddenly on December 26, shaking the ground violently and unleashing a series of killer waves that sped across the Indian Ocean at the speed of a jet airliner.

Site link: Asian Tsunami videos
Fact checker of the internet -'Refdesk'

It is a free information source which you shouldn't miss to bookmark.
What is 'Refdesk'?
"Refdesk" provides reference, news, weather, sports, encyclopedia (50 areas), facts on file, FAQs, tutorials, search engines and more.
What you can get from here?
- As site is really difficult to browse within few minutes, just take a look at what site offers as a whole by clicking on the link: site tour.
- The Facts Subject Index and Facts Encyclopedia are good places to begin your search for information.
- First Things First is a list of newpapers.
- For a Yahoo!-style directory of the same sources, see My Virtual Newspaper.
- Refdesk.com also offers an excellent gateway for power searchers at My Search Engines.
- You'll find 260 engines categorized by name, service and type.
What sites are the very best according to Refdesk? See the editor's picks.
Browse more must-see sites and learn how they're selected
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Are you a net addict?

I am not ashamed to say that I am a blogging addict. Blogging is also addictive for many (like me). I could continue with this hobby(blogging) from a long time because I love to read and write the blogs and surfing the net is always an interesting task for me. Blogging is not a full time job for me, as I am an educator as well, and I realize that I could save myself from disadvantages of net addiction due to my profession.
If you think that you net surfing is your pastime and you are not addicted to it, then check these facts and figures and think seriously about it.
Internet Surfing addiction refers to the over involvement in the integral part of Internet activities like chatting blogging mailing online gaming etc.
According to the Stanford University School of Medicine Study, 1 out of 8 Americans suffer from Internet Addiction, 14% of respondents found it hard to abstain from Internet use for several days; 5.9% said excessive Internet use affected their relationships; 8.2% said the Internet was a means of escape from the real world.
Internet addiction is currently classified by mental health professionals as an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), a mild to severe mental health condition that results in an urge to engage in ritualistic thoughts and behavior, such as excessive hand washing or, in the case of the Internet, Web surfing.
A senior (psychiatrist) lecturer at Tel Aviv University, Dr. Pinhas Dannon is known worldwide for work in the area of gambling and addiction, a major research focus for him since 1995. He groups internet addiction with other extreme addictive disorders such as gambling, sex addiction and kleptomania.
The main important types of internet surfing addiction are:
-Chatting addiction
-On line shopping addiction
-On line business addition
-On line banking addiction addiction
-Downloading addiction
-On line movies addiction

Some important symptoms are
-Person may feel lonely without internet.
-Aggressiveness when anybody disturbed while working on internet.
-Unusual disputes with friends and colleagues
-Always try to keep ourselves lonely.
-Problem with sleep
A useful resource for addictions: 'Addiction Treatment' aims to help you and your family the best and most suitable way possible.
More resources and articles:
* Net Addiction.com is from 'The Center for Online Addiction' offering hope and valuable resources to those seeking information about Internet addiction.
You can take an important quiz or test from the site to measure the level of your addiction. More about this online test:
The Internet Addiction Test is the first validated and reliable measure of addictive use of the Internet. It is developed by Dr. Kimberly Young, the IAT is a 20-item questionnaire that measures mild, moderate, and severe levels of Internet Addiction.
- Internet Addiction Test (IAT)
* Is net addiction a disease?
Related post:
Net addiction"- A new kind of addiction, symptoms and treatment!
How to protect us against internet frauds and scams?
I have started posting the topics which would hopefully help the internet users like as internet use, fraud, scams and other useful links. Because I remember wasting more than one year with pay per click scams and I wanted net surfers to learn more about the net. There are some sites which can help us protect against internet frauds and scams. I would be reviewing those sites in a series of posts. So keep checking for the updated posts.
Fraud.org is from the National Consumer's League's Fraud Center, which has helped millions of consumers avoid internet scams. The Fraud Center is operated by the National Consumers League, America’s oldest nonprofit consumer organization.
'Our mission is to give consumers the information they need to avoid becoming victims of telemarketing and Internet fraud and to help them get their complaints to law enforcement agencies quickly and easily.'
How it works?
You can find the answers of these questions from the link above:
How do I file a complaint?
What if my complaint isn’t about telemarketing or Internet fraud?
What information do I need to make a complaint?
I’m a seller and a buyer has ripped me off. Can I complain to the Fraud Center?
How do I know that the Fraud Center received my complaint?
Can I add more information to my complaint after I submit it?
Why do you ask for my year of birth ?
What happens with my complaint?
How can I get my money back?
Can I check with the Fraud Center about a seller or company?
How can I tell if something might be a scam?
What if I report something and it turns out not to be a scam?
Can I get a lawyer and sue the seller or company?
How do I know if someone who says they want to help me is legitimate?
Someone I know is a victim of telemarketing or Internet fraud. What can I do?
I think I’m a victim of identity theft. Can I report that to the Fraud Center
Fraud.org is from the National Consumer's League's Fraud Center, which has helped millions of consumers avoid internet scams. The Fraud Center is operated by the National Consumers League, America’s oldest nonprofit consumer organization.
'Our mission is to give consumers the information they need to avoid becoming victims of telemarketing and Internet fraud and to help them get their complaints to law enforcement agencies quickly and easily.'
How it works?
You can find the answers of these questions from the link above:
How do I file a complaint?
What if my complaint isn’t about telemarketing or Internet fraud?
What information do I need to make a complaint?
I’m a seller and a buyer has ripped me off. Can I complain to the Fraud Center?
How do I know that the Fraud Center received my complaint?
Can I add more information to my complaint after I submit it?
Why do you ask for my year of birth ?
What happens with my complaint?
How can I get my money back?
Can I check with the Fraud Center about a seller or company?
How can I tell if something might be a scam?
What if I report something and it turns out not to be a scam?
Can I get a lawyer and sue the seller or company?
How do I know if someone who says they want to help me is legitimate?
Someone I know is a victim of telemarketing or Internet fraud. What can I do?
I think I’m a victim of identity theft. Can I report that to the Fraud Center
Learn safe internet use from 'Get Net Wise'

It is commonly noted that people raising kids need information and assistance in guiding children online. We cannot forbid our kids for internet use, but we should keep in mind that internet is a very rich medium for technology and information but at the same time we have to help our kids teach safe use of internet.
GetNetWise is a project created by the Internet Education Foundation to help ensure that Internet users have safe and rewarding online experiences.
GetNetWise is a public service helping Internet users have safe, constructive, and educational or entertaining online experiences. The GetNetWise informs internet users about the resources they need to make informed decisions about their and their family's use of the Internet.
GetNetWise offers tips, tutorials and other interactive tools to show users that creating a safe, secure and positive online environment is as easy as "one click" of a mouse.
The Site is has four content areas:
Keeping Children Safe Online -- A comprehensive resource on recognizing and reporting problems, educating your kids about safe and unsafe experiences online and finding tech tools for families.
Stopping Unwanted E-mail and Spam -- This information on how to help alleviate unwanted e-mails in your inbox includes tips, tools and instructions on how to take action if necessary.
Protecting Your Computer from Hackers and Viruses -- Learn about the risks that hackers and viruses pose to your computer files and software. Take steps to prevent viruses from infecting your software and to keep hackers from compromising your computer.
Keeping Your Personal Information Private -- A guide that includes tools and techniques to better control how much personal information you share with online stores, Web sites, e-mailers and other people who may use your computer.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Bringing nature to life - 'eNature'

"eNature" offers information about the wild animals and plants of the United States. The site's core content of wildlife information about almost 6,000 individual species. eNature enables Web surfers to discover nature across the continent and close to home. More than 5,000 North American species are presented on the site, with full-color photographs and descriptions. The site also features a library of over 500 bird calls, guides to National Parks and Refuges, a Backyard Habitat Planner, and the Ask an Expert section.
Site is a free resource and
Quizeses and contests

'Ask an epert' section has provided answer to more than 5,000 question from insects to whales, bluebonnets to sequoias and more. You can search the answers for wildlife, birding, backyard, and general knowledge questions.

Choose any nature ecard to send to your friends or family members.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
"Been Paid" - An online community helping you earn online
People who search the net to 'earn online' first decide which kind of work they want to do, because if you are looking of easier online opportunities like per per click, surveys, pay to sign up, pay to read e-mail like programs then better to search for resources which can guide you for the reliable resources and links.
Been Paid is a directory of free to join get paid to programs. You can find the list of programs which are on top and you can join those sites with this hope that they would pay you for your efforts.
I have realized from my experience of surfing the net, that participating relevant forums for information, tips is very helpful. You can also ask questions about specific sites, or links.
Their forum has 10802 registered users, with 32424 articles. Members share their experiences of paying programs, scam sites which don't pay, tips and more at the forum.
Been Paid is a directory of free to join get paid to programs. You can find the list of programs which are on top and you can join those sites with this hope that they would pay you for your efforts.
I have realized from my experience of surfing the net, that participating relevant forums for information, tips is very helpful. You can also ask questions about specific sites, or links.
Their forum has 10802 registered users, with 32424 articles. Members share their experiences of paying programs, scam sites which don't pay, tips and more at the forum.
Find make money at home information at "Work at home no scams"
I would be writing few review posts about work at home, online earning opportunities, online scams, get paid to site, useful resources and hope to hear your suggestions and comments. The first site I have chosen for review is a reliable resource with FREE information.
Work at home no scams is an online resource for sufers who want to work at home. The sie is created from Eddy Salomon, who was a victom of online scam. He is online since 1993, trying to find out the make money at home ways. He lost over $500 on the net, but at last he learned the secret of work at home and through his blog he is sharing valuable advice and resources with all.
I have read the contents of the blog and I can happily suggest this site to the poeple who want to work at home, searching for online earning opportunities, online jobs or other schemes. There are many posts about online scams, work at home, survey, reliable site suggestion, reviews, advice and more.
Many site would sell you the information which Eddy has provided FREE at his blog. So my suggestion is to subscribe for his blog to get updated information and articles. Easiest way is to subscribe via e-mail.
Site link: Work at home no scams
Work at home no scams is an online resource for sufers who want to work at home. The sie is created from Eddy Salomon, who was a victom of online scam. He is online since 1993, trying to find out the make money at home ways. He lost over $500 on the net, but at last he learned the secret of work at home and through his blog he is sharing valuable advice and resources with all.
I have read the contents of the blog and I can happily suggest this site to the poeple who want to work at home, searching for online earning opportunities, online jobs or other schemes. There are many posts about online scams, work at home, survey, reliable site suggestion, reviews, advice and more.
Many site would sell you the information which Eddy has provided FREE at his blog. So my suggestion is to subscribe for his blog to get updated information and articles. Easiest way is to subscribe via e-mail.
Site link: Work at home no scams
make money at home,
work at home
"GPT Bycott" - Helping you inform about 'get paid' scams
Earning online is preferred for many reasons and one important reason is working at the comfort and according to your time schedule. Many students, stying home moms or dads prefer to work at home and begin searching for online earning opportunities. But as number of sites offering 'earning opportunites' are increasing, scam or fraudulant sites are also emerging.
"Get paid" programs are those schemes where you are paid for reading e-mails, click links, visit sites, complete online surveys, sign up or participate in programs, or shop via any site. You cannot get rich or earn a living through these "get paid" programs but you can earn some extra money. But many online 'get paid' sites are not honest and don't pay the members as they promise. I have been using "GPT Bycott" after I wated more one year working for get paid to read email programs.
This is a reliable online resource which helps you identify the fraudulant or scam sites.
GPT Bycott helps you stamp out online fraud and scam sites offending those companies. You can submit your complaint if you are scammed.
They have a forum where you can check the comments about good or bad programs, learn about the sites which pay honestly to the members and more. The number of members is 14,458.
"Get paid" programs are those schemes where you are paid for reading e-mails, click links, visit sites, complete online surveys, sign up or participate in programs, or shop via any site. You cannot get rich or earn a living through these "get paid" programs but you can earn some extra money. But many online 'get paid' sites are not honest and don't pay the members as they promise. I have been using "GPT Bycott" after I wated more one year working for get paid to read email programs.
This is a reliable online resource which helps you identify the fraudulant or scam sites.
GPT Bycott helps you stamp out online fraud and scam sites offending those companies. You can submit your complaint if you are scammed.
They have a forum where you can check the comments about good or bad programs, learn about the sites which pay honestly to the members and more. The number of members is 14,458.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Finding reliable paying sites for online work at home opportunities
Many people search the net to find out earning opportunities, online work at home sites but most of the times they don't get the reliable information.
When you first start searching for online earning, it is very difficult to find the reliable resources. There are millions of scam sites which can snatch your money and wasting your time as well. I have wasted a lot of time searching and then working for online work at home sites. Most of the sites which offer pay per click, pay per sign up, survey sites don't pay you as they promise. Best way to know the truth is to search the net for reliable resouces and sites which could help you in this regard. I would be reviewing many sites and useful resouces which would help you learn about scam sites and how to search for reliable information at the net.
"Fraud.org" provides these tips for avoiding work at home scams:
- Know who you’re dealing with. The company may not be offering to employ you directly, only to sell you training and materials and to find customers for your work.
- Don’t believe that you can make big profits easily. Operating a home-based business is just like any other business – it requires hard work, skill, good products or services, and time to make a profit.
- Be cautious about emails offering work-at-home opportunities. Many unsolicited emails are fraudulent.
- Get all the details before you pay. A legitimate company will be happy to give you information about exactly what you will be doing and for whom.
- Find out if there is really a market for your work. Claims that there are customers for work such as medical billing and craft making may not be true. If the company says it has customers waiting, ask who they are and contact them to confirm. You can also ask likely customers in your area (such as doctors for medical billing services) if they actually employ people to do that work from home.
- Get references for other people who are doing the work. Ask them if the company kept its promises.
- Be aware of legal requirements. To do some types of work, such as medical billing, you may need a license or certificate. Check with your state attorney general’s office. Ask your local zoning board if there are any restrictions on operating a business from your home. Some types of work cannot be done at home under federal law. Look for the nearest U.S. Department of Labor in the government listings of your phone book.
- Know the refund policy. If you have to buy equipment or supplies, ask whether and under what circumstances you can return them for a refund.
- Beware of the old “envelope stuffing” scheme. In this classic scam, instead of getting materials to send out on behalf of a company, you get instructions to place an ad like the one you saw, asking people to send you money for information about working at home. This is an illegal pyramid scheme because there is no real product or service being offered. You won’t get rich, and you could be prosecuted for fraud.
- Be wary of offers to send you an “advance” on your “pay.” Some con artists use this ploy to build trust and get money from your bank. They send you a check for part of your first month’s “pay.” You deposit it, and the bank tells you the check has cleared because the normal time has passed to be notified that checks have bounced. Then the crook contacts you to say that you were mistakenly paid the wrong amount or that you need to return a portion of the payment for some other reason. After you send the money back, the check that you deposited finally bounces because it turned out to be an elaborate fake. Now the crooks have your payment, and you’re left owing your bank the amount that you withdrew.
- Do your own research about work-at-home opportunities. The “Work-At-Home Sourcebook” and other resources that may be available in your local library provide good advice and lists of legitimate companies that hire people to work for them at home. You may discover that these companies hire only local people and that there is nothing available in your area.
Resouces helping you find online reliable 'work at home' sites
* PTC Talk is a site which helps you finding the sites which pay you really. They bring the proof of payments from pay to sites, and they also show the top 10 paying sites which are voted by visitors.
* 'Been Paid' is a reliable resource, a directory of get paid to programs that are verified by their members. This site is online from 2003 and helps its members to earn online. They have around 10,000 members, and by subsrcibing to their newsletter you get the updated information about the scam sites and the links to reliable online work at home, get paid to sites.
There are more sites which you can check by visiting this blog. I would be reviewing those sites or links in seperate posts.
When you first start searching for online earning, it is very difficult to find the reliable resources. There are millions of scam sites which can snatch your money and wasting your time as well. I have wasted a lot of time searching and then working for online work at home sites. Most of the sites which offer pay per click, pay per sign up, survey sites don't pay you as they promise. Best way to know the truth is to search the net for reliable resouces and sites which could help you in this regard. I would be reviewing many sites and useful resouces which would help you learn about scam sites and how to search for reliable information at the net.
"Fraud.org" provides these tips for avoiding work at home scams:
- Know who you’re dealing with. The company may not be offering to employ you directly, only to sell you training and materials and to find customers for your work.
- Don’t believe that you can make big profits easily. Operating a home-based business is just like any other business – it requires hard work, skill, good products or services, and time to make a profit.
- Be cautious about emails offering work-at-home opportunities. Many unsolicited emails are fraudulent.
- Get all the details before you pay. A legitimate company will be happy to give you information about exactly what you will be doing and for whom.
- Find out if there is really a market for your work. Claims that there are customers for work such as medical billing and craft making may not be true. If the company says it has customers waiting, ask who they are and contact them to confirm. You can also ask likely customers in your area (such as doctors for medical billing services) if they actually employ people to do that work from home.
- Get references for other people who are doing the work. Ask them if the company kept its promises.
- Be aware of legal requirements. To do some types of work, such as medical billing, you may need a license or certificate. Check with your state attorney general’s office. Ask your local zoning board if there are any restrictions on operating a business from your home. Some types of work cannot be done at home under federal law. Look for the nearest U.S. Department of Labor in the government listings of your phone book.
- Know the refund policy. If you have to buy equipment or supplies, ask whether and under what circumstances you can return them for a refund.
- Beware of the old “envelope stuffing” scheme. In this classic scam, instead of getting materials to send out on behalf of a company, you get instructions to place an ad like the one you saw, asking people to send you money for information about working at home. This is an illegal pyramid scheme because there is no real product or service being offered. You won’t get rich, and you could be prosecuted for fraud.
- Be wary of offers to send you an “advance” on your “pay.” Some con artists use this ploy to build trust and get money from your bank. They send you a check for part of your first month’s “pay.” You deposit it, and the bank tells you the check has cleared because the normal time has passed to be notified that checks have bounced. Then the crook contacts you to say that you were mistakenly paid the wrong amount or that you need to return a portion of the payment for some other reason. After you send the money back, the check that you deposited finally bounces because it turned out to be an elaborate fake. Now the crooks have your payment, and you’re left owing your bank the amount that you withdrew.
- Do your own research about work-at-home opportunities. The “Work-At-Home Sourcebook” and other resources that may be available in your local library provide good advice and lists of legitimate companies that hire people to work for them at home. You may discover that these companies hire only local people and that there is nothing available in your area.
Resouces helping you find online reliable 'work at home' sites
* PTC Talk is a site which helps you finding the sites which pay you really. They bring the proof of payments from pay to sites, and they also show the top 10 paying sites which are voted by visitors.
* 'Been Paid' is a reliable resource, a directory of get paid to programs that are verified by their members. This site is online from 2003 and helps its members to earn online. They have around 10,000 members, and by subsrcibing to their newsletter you get the updated information about the scam sites and the links to reliable online work at home, get paid to sites.
There are more sites which you can check by visiting this blog. I would be reviewing those sites or links in seperate posts.
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