It is commonly noted that people raising kids need information and assistance in guiding children online. We cannot forbid our kids for internet use, but we should keep in mind that internet is a very rich medium for technology and information but at the same time we have to help our kids teach safe use of internet.
GetNetWise is a project created by the Internet Education Foundation to help ensure that Internet users have safe and rewarding online experiences.
GetNetWise is a public service helping Internet users have safe, constructive, and educational or entertaining online experiences. The GetNetWise informs internet users about the resources they need to make informed decisions about their and their family's use of the Internet.
GetNetWise offers tips, tutorials and other interactive tools to show users that creating a safe, secure and positive online environment is as easy as "one click" of a mouse.
The Site is has four content areas:
Keeping Children Safe Online -- A comprehensive resource on recognizing and reporting problems, educating your kids about safe and unsafe experiences online and finding tech tools for families.
Stopping Unwanted E-mail and Spam -- This information on how to help alleviate unwanted e-mails in your inbox includes tips, tools and instructions on how to take action if necessary.
Protecting Your Computer from Hackers and Viruses -- Learn about the risks that hackers and viruses pose to your computer files and software. Take steps to prevent viruses from infecting your software and to keep hackers from compromising your computer.
Keeping Your Personal Information Private -- A guide that includes tools and techniques to better control how much personal information you share with online stores, Web sites, e-mailers and other people who may use your computer.
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