Internet has become a rich source of information for computer and internet users. There are many useful links and free resources where you can get help. Computer education has become a favourite subject for students because new generation is fond of computers and internet. I would be reviewing as many useful but free resources for net users as I find them during my online search.
Computer Hope is a free computer related information resource. You get computer support facilities for answering computer related questions at the site. And as far as I have searched for computer related useful links, I could not find better free online resource than it. It is the largest free support center on-line, that most sites cannot offer to everyone.
Some of the services that Computer Hope is able to offer include free technical support, computer product information, free online forum, computer product buying tips, third-party computer company information, computer dictionary, weekly computer newsletter, daily computer news, and much more. Each of these services help make Computer Hope the number one free computer services on the Internet.
Free services from Computer Hope
Technical Support: They provide support in these fields:
- Hardware
- Software
- Computer operating systems
- HTML / web design information and help
- Virus information and listing
- Question and Answer listing
- Free e-mail technical support

Dictionary - This page lists thousands of computer related terms that link to related terms and categories, making it one of the best locations to locate a definition or meaning to a computer related term.
History - A great section for individuals interested in history as well as students looking for the history information on computers. Our history section lists computer related history from the 1500's to today and is an excellent reference point for learning more about computer history.
Company Information -This page is a wealth of company contact information such as phone numbers, e-mail addresses, business addresses, web addresses, and much more. If you are looking for information about a computer company or how to contact them, this is the place to start.
News - Computer Hope has a great new section that is updated at least daily with the latest computer news, and contains an archive of all the old computer news
Newsletter - The Computer Hope Newsletter, issued once every two weeks, includes the following: a new computer term; computer-related news items; virus alerts; "What's New at Computer Hope;" "hot" computer issues, and an All Talk section. We hope you will find the Newsletter informative, useful, and perhaps even, at times, entertaining. You can read the old newsletters at the sign up page given below:
- Link to get their newsletter
Forums - Online forums that enable Computer Hope users to communicate with each other and talk about computers and help each other with their computer related questions.
Chat - Online / IRC chat service that enables users to connect to an IRC chat room, either through the web or their favorite IRC client and talk with Computer Hope and other Computer Hope users live.
Source link: services
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