There are lots of legitimate earning opportunities around the net, but at the same time there are many sites which are scam or fraudulant. If you are a stay at home mom, dad, student, senior citizen and want to make money working at home, then get paid to sites are the best way to earn online. You need to search for the sites before signing for it. Better to bookmark few online forums or community sites which can help you learn more about this industry. "Get Paid Forum" is one of those forums where you get the information about get paid, PTC, PTR programs.
GetPaidForum is dedicated to GPT Discussion. GPT (Get Paid To), PTR, PTC, PTP, and PTS incentive sites discussion.
You can understand which kind of information you can expect from these forums with this example:
I am only quoting few of the tips which are discussed in the forum with the title: Scamming in the industry- How to avoid being scammed
- Check out advertisement prices. This is a very important key element on whether a site has the ability to pay members. A site ratio of click through can range between 30-50% on the norm of the total database. A site should be able to pay all members that click, their referral earnings and then earn extra for hosting costs and other business expenses.
- Investigate programs by searching forums to find out "who" is the program owner. Sometimes the same people open scam site after scam site and it is always helpful to know whom you are dealing with. Also searching forum's can give you insight to what other members think about a program or a program owner.
- While not "all" high payout sites are bad some purposely put high payout rates so that they can have extra time to get what they can prior to closing up shop. By setting, a higher payout they have longer until the member gets to payout thus giving them more time to scam unsuspecting members.
- Sites that offer high referral bonuses or signup bonuses ask yourself where they will get the money to pay those bonuses. If a site for instance gave a $1.00 signup bonus and they have 1,000 members remember the minute those members signed up they were in debt $1,000 without having made a dime for that very cause. Same with referral bonuses if they are extremely high ask yourself where they are going to get the money to pay you.
- When sites offer money making opportunities for a fee beware. Most of the time they are only giving you links to survey sites and other paid to ventures that you can find yourself for free by searching the internet using google or other major search engines. It's always better to search for yourself to find opportunties on making money then pay someone money up front to basically get a list of their referral links.
I make $20 for a 20 minute survey!
ReplyDeleteGuess what? This is exactly what big companies are paying for. They need to know what their average customer needs and wants. So big companies pay millions of dollars per month to the average person. In return, the average person, like myself, answers some questions and gives them their opinion.