Sometimes life seems very dull and boring to us. And to get rid of this boredom we plan or think about some change or any activity which is interesting to do.
I usually try to keep me busy, to avoid boredom. I am very bored at “waiting places“ like waiting room at doctor's clinic, at bus or train station and so on.
What are the situations you get bored?
Many days ago I came across a site 'Bored things' with many ideas to fight with boresom. The site is offline but I could save a part of it. I have picked some tips, among which some are funny and some are useful.

Things to do when you are bored!
* Balance a pencil on your nose
* Balance a pillow on your head
* Change your name…daily
*Chase your friend or family member around the sofa
* Check under chairs for chewing gum
* Debate politics with a pet
* Have an egg toss
* Insist everyone calls you “Your highness”
* Grease every door hinge in the house, and then yell at people for slamming doors
* Make faces at strangers to make them laugh

* Make shoelaces out of noodles
* Never say never I never will again
* Open a box of Animal Crackers and make an animal farm
* Open everything
* Out of nowhere, or when it is quiet, say loud “When I say heeee-aay, you say hoooo, Heeee-aay” and see how many people say “ho”
* Over pluck your eyebrows
* Send your goldfish to obedience school
* Sharpen a carrot
* Think of nicknames for everyone you know
* Throw a tomato into a fan
* Turn on everything
* Turn on the T.V., put it on mute and make up dialogue
* Turn your TV upside down and watch it
* Wear a lampshade on your head
* Write letters to random people claiming you are their lost cousin, ask for money
If you have more fun ideas to make your life easy, share it at comments place!
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